Yesterday was an adventure to Hello Kitty Cafe in Hongdae, but today I'd rather put up some pictures of my house. ^^;'
I live in this building. That building bottom left is a shabu shabu restaurant (very delicious food).
This is the view from the front door. Why yes that is a random field of tall dead grass over there.
The stairs. Everywhere in Korea, it seems, stairs or halls are this granite-like material. It's kind of like they like the look of affluence.
This is just inside my front door. It's the kitchen area. I keep my computer here. (lol random singing in the hallway just now!)
This is the other half of the above picture. This is the kitchenette. Sink, range with 2 burners. That's it really. To the right you can kind of see into the bathroom.
If you step up into the house, and turn directly around this is where you'd have been standing - the hyunkwan. That cabinet is for shoes. :D
The functional hall like space.
My bedroom. At the right hand side, but not in view, is a tv. And that white door with a towel over it is my wardrobe. The sliding glass door is the door to my.... laundry closet.
The washing machine. It's... interesting. You can pick the amount of water and a few other things. I don't understand it very well since it's all in Korean. But I can wash clothes and that's what matters.
This is the laundry/closet/storage whatever you want to call it. It has this great rack hanging from the ceiling and it can go up or down. Behind the towels is a big window. Technically I keep the towels up as a "curtain" of sorts. The glass door has that "no see through" stuff on it, but it's still not all that private feeling. So I keep my towels up unless the sun is shining and beautiful. :D This picture is opposite the washing machine picture above.
Since it's wintery here, I haven't seen many bugs yet. This moth was hanging out on my screen.That's a view out of my kitchen window.
This is outside of my kitchen window. It's a field? Then the back of a restaurant. I guess it's a neng myeon (cold noodle) shop. Way across where that yellow pillar is is the convenience store I go to most. It's a block or 2 from my house.
Kitchen window again. The interesting thing is - it's not altered in any way. Through the glass the sky looks clear and blue, but out the open side of the window you can see it's actually a hazy gray. It rained shortly after this. I have no clue why the window makes the sky look blue, but it does.
I've got lessons to plan and a nap and dishes and cleaning to do. So see you all later!
sorry....haven't checked your blog for a while....but thanks for the pictures.