My last post was... July? Maybe. Wow. Sorry.
I fell out of the blogging habit. And to be honest, I've been tired these days. I work a lot during the week, and often brought work home to finish. This has meant that I do less of things I like. I even sleep less.
I have to memorialize my embarrassing moment today.
I went to church this morning. I had a really bad headache. The whole right side of my head and face was just pain. So I went home right after church. To get home from church, I change buses in CJ downtown area. My plan was to get off a stop or two earlier so I could hit up the atm and go to Starbucks for their Christmas cookie latte (don't judge. you'd be there too when you found you were lacking in ginger, cinnamon, and pumpkin spice flavored things. this latte tastes like ginger snaps. glorious, lovely gingerbread goodness).
Anyway. I got up and stood next to the door of the bus for my stop. Not sure if I was holding on to the pole, or if I'd let go for a second to swipe my card (to transfer buses later at no extra charge), but the bus had come to a stop already but it lurched forward a bit and I lost my balance and jerked right into the guy standing next to me. I dropped my bus card on the floor too. And the bus doors opened. Immediately I said "aigoo!" and "choisonghamnida" and in one motion squatted to scoop up my bus card and quickly swipe and step off. I was so embarrassed that I had to cover my face with my hand. >.< I know that guy looked at me a few times. I tried to just look embarrassed so he'd stop looking.
Lots of things have gone on. Most recently I had another open class last Wednesday (Nov 12) with the 3rd grade teacher. It seemed to have gone over well.
Peppero Day I only got 1 box of peppero, from my coworker David. I forgot the peppero I'd bought at home that day! (shame upon me!) so I brought it all in on the 12th. I made sure Min teacher got his box (he's kind of shy)... later he came into the office and eventually ate the other two boxes of the white chocolate cookie peppero. (your secret is out, Min teacher! you like sweets!)
I taught my talented English class about Halloween and they were enraptured by it all. We made paper masks and I gave them all candy. I wish I had photos. They were really cute.
I'm on cold #2 of the fall season. Cold #1 I caught around the 15th of October.
The weather has been around 30 at wake up, and sometimes gets to like 45-50 in the midday.
October was beautiful weather. Cool, dry air but still warm enough to be just perfect. It was so warm, in fact, that the trees barely changed until the first week of November. (you can check my facebook ios photos for proof! lol!)
I bought a lot of new clothes and things this fall. Some shopping bug overtook me. I really like what I bought though... but now I feel like a terrible spender.
I have been going to Korean class every Saturday, consistently, with the exception of about 3 Saturdays.. being sick and all.
Actually, October I also had a bad migraine and dizziness too. It was really annoying.
Halloween I wanted to go out and see people, but it was really cold and rainy. So I stayed in and watched House on Haunted Hill. (fantastic old movie, btw)
I'll have to take pictures of the clothes I bought.
Also, come December, I have news to announce so we'll see. I guess I'll take a lot more pictures and try to post them up. Reading back posts, I really liked the memories I have written down here. I wish I had written more. Anyway. Hope everyone else is staying healthy and keeping warm!
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