Thursday, February 21, 2013

Um, wow?

I'm sitting in my dorm room at orientation in South Korea. *big breath* howmuchcanisayrealfast?

I will save the "how I made it to Korea" story for later. It's long and I like telling it. Ha.

Today was the first full day of classes and so yeah. Ho boy. I go back and forth between "I can do this" and "Hmm. Yeah? What did I get myself into?"

The food is great. Kimchi is something I've missed eating - though I will admit I've had kimchi at every meal except breakfast.. 4 meals total. It's not like french fries - the food I can eat every. single. day. and not get tired of it. But that's alright. I hear Koreans can and do eat kimchi every day.

The school we're staying at is pretty big. It's much bigger than my alma mater. 12,000 students.

Cool story - My roommate got in last night and was looking through her storage/cabinets here. She goes "There's a Bible in here." And I said "In Korean?"  "Yeah." OOHH. So I have it sitting near the head of my bed. It's a bilingual New Testament and Psalms. So I think I will be learning the psalms in Korean. :D

We did taekwondo class today. I'm beat. I hate to admit it, but I'm like Gimli the dwarf - "a good runner, but only fast over short distances". I have no stamina, at least not for exercise. But after failing miserably at counting reps while doing jumping jacks &etc I really got into some of the other stuff. The stretches and warm up for it are intense. The taekwondo team and coach here are impressive. *_*
I want to try to do some of the exercises from now on.

Oh. I met another girl from Pittsburgh. I wore my Pittsburgh Penguins shirt today and she looked at it and goes "How come you're wearing that?" She herself was wearing black with gold accents. Pretty dang awesome.

I have Korean lv 2 class in 17 minutes so I should get ready now. (it's just after 7pm) Just a little more til I can sleep and get up to learn more stuffs!


  1. go girl....we love you....

  2. Your dad shared your blog site. Glad to hear about the Bible and that you met someone from Pittsburgh. I know you will do well teaching classes. I'll tell the girls about your blog. Maybe they already know. Dad's the last to know anything. ;-)

  3. You know she's from Pittsburgh when she asks, "how come?" :)
